Interlocking pavers are the smart choice for homeowners across the Greater Toronto Area for a number of reasons including:
- Durability: They’re impervious to the freeze thaw cycle.
- Versatility: They can be used to create stunning walkways, patios, driveways and more.
- Ease Of Maintenance: If properly installed they’re virtually maintenance free.
- Ease Of Repair: Damaged pavers can be easily replaced without leaving a trace.
- Ease Of Snow Removal: They’ll accommodate any type of snow removal equipment.
- Strength: They’ll stand up to any type of traffic from kids to cars.
- Long Term Value: Interlocking pavers you install today will still be on the job decades from now.
With all of those things going for them it’s easy to see why so many homeowners are choosing interlocking pavers over concrete and asphalt. Still, making sure you install appropriate pavers for your home requires interlocking companies in Toronto to take a slew of things into consideration. Some of these considerations are practical, others aesthetic but they all have an impact on the final product.
Without further ado here are 7 things interlocking companies will need to determine before starting your interlocking project:
1) Paver Color
Interlocking pavers come in a wide range of colors but not all of them will look right with your home. The designer will need to take into consideration the way different color pavers interact with the colors on the house as well as the flora on your property
2) Type Of Traffic
For a patio you may want to consider larger, slab pavers. However architectural paver slabs won’t work in a driveway. Walkways can be composed of virtually any type of paver but they must interact in a pleasing way with the patio, driveway or other walkways.
3) Paver Pattern
Interlocking companies today employ some incredibly talented designers that can create a pattern that will be unique to your home. The pattern can be as elaborate or subtle as you like but should work in harmony with the other elements on your property.
4) Paver Shape
The shape of the pavers will be determined by the pattern which will be at least partially determined by load considerations. As a rule a more complex interlocking pattern will display better load bearing abilities than pavers laid down in straight lines side by side.
5) Paver Thickness
As a general rule any pavers less than 6 cm thick are for pedestrian traffic only; i.e. walkways and patios. A paver 6 cm thick is typically acceptable for driveways but a little thicker is always a good choice just to be safe
6) Paver Aspect Ratio
Now we’re getting into technicalities but it’s important. The plan ratio is determined by the relationship of length to width, and the overall unit aspect ratio is determined by dividing the longest surface dimension by the paver’s height. As a rule any paver with a unit aspect ratio of 4:1 or higher is too thin for driveways. You’ll want something with an aspect ratio of 3:1.
7) Your Budget
If you’re on a tight budget interlocking companies may suggest confining the project to elements visible from the road: the driveway and walkway to the front door. Or you may want to create a hybrid driveway surface that mixes pavers with another material. This technique can yield interesting results that won’t look like you’re trying to save money.
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